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Sports/Remedial Massage

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Sports and remedial massage for:
- sport and occupational injuries
- reducing chronic and acute pain
- increased flexibility
- increased range of motion
- increased well-being

I have been treating clients with a range of sports and occupational related musculoskeletal injuries for 23 years. Sports massage simply means targeted deep tissue manipulation to resolve symptoms of pain, tension and soreness associated with soft tissue damage and inflammation. Once you have sustained an injury the muscle tissue becomes inflamed and painful causing reduced flexibility and range of motion. Sports massage relaxes the muscle fibres and increases blood flow to the area which promotes healing and hence decreases pain and tension.


To make an appointment please give me a ring or send me a WhatsApp message on 07359 388742 or email me on: to book an appointment. 


Cost of session: £40 (approximately 45 minutes)


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